Preschool Program-ED4 Classroom
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Humboldt Community School preschool is funded through the Iowa Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program grant, All students attend at no cost to families.
Children attend school 4 days per week and follow the Humboldt School Calendar
Morning Class Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 8:15-11:15 a.m.
Afternoon Class Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 12:10-3:10 p.m.
Enrollment Guidelines
Must turn four years old on or before Sept. 15, 2021.
Immunizations must be current for age and provided by the first day of school.
Hospital or state copy of birth certificate must be provided by the first day of school.
Online registration will begin in July. Please contact the school office for Parent Portal log in information if you do not already have access.
Class Details
Class size 10:1 Student/Teacher ratio.
Certified teacher with Early-Childhood Endorsement/Associates are required to have Para-professional licensure.
Transportation is available before school or after school via regular bus routes. Mid-day transportation is available in town at stops with 3 or more students.
The foundation of our program is based on Creative Curriculum, with teachers creating a high-quality learning environment Through studies, which are hands-on, project-based investigations our teachers build children’s confidence, creativity, and critical thinking skills, and promote positive outcomes. The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool provides the “what” and the “why” for early childhood educators because we believe all teachers should know the best thinking about educating young children. Our classrooms are focused on providing an enriched environment focused on the Iowa Preschool Program Standards which help support and enhance children’s learning and development.
- social emotional
- physical well-being and motor development
- approaches to learning
- social studies
- creative arts
- communication, language, and literacy
- mathematics
- science
Attendance: In order to provide a smooth transition from home to school, each day our staff greet the children at the entryway, so a prompt arrival is appreciated. If a child doesn’t arrive at school, parents will be contacted to confirm the child’s whereabouts, so calling the school as soon as possible to let the staff know a child may be late, will not be riding the bus or not attending helps provide all of us a sense of security. A reminder that regular attendance is essential to your child’s education.
School Cancellation

When it is determined necessary to cancel school, the following radio and TV stations will carry the message by 6:45 am. We are concerned about sending children home early in cases of a storm or other emergencies. Please make arrangements for care on early dismissal days. If there is a late start due to weather, there are no morning Preschool classes. RADIO: KHBT-97.7 Humboldt K97FM-Clarion; KKEZ 94.5-Fort Dodge TV: WHO-Des Moines; Channel 12-Local Access OTHER:; Hotline: 332-9700; Emergency Alerts
Monitoring Progress

Teaching Strategies Gold guide & inform planning & instruction and goes well with creative curriculum by documenting development over time. This helps identify students needing further help and it is a great reporting tool for families. IGDIs is a set of checkpoints for monitoring growth and development of young children. and mark progress toward long-term desired outcome. Our 4-year old preschool students are checked three times a year using IGDI measurements for early literacy and mathematics.